

Another year in the books and what a fun one it was. From three ridiculous mountain top-reaching races to another great PR at santa cruz Tri, 2018 goes down as one of the best years yet. I upped my swimming to reach 250k yards this year. Running was well over 850 miles and balanced that with 1200 miles of biking. That and I only took 100 off days... which with some injury in the spring is pretty awesome.

So what races are in stock for 2019? Here’s the calendar so far:

- Kaiser Half

- Half mooon bay Tri

- Bay 2 Breakers - Sandman

- Santa Cruz Tri

- Morro Bay Tri

Hopefully we’ll squeeze in a ragnar or something else, but this is an awesome start to kick things off.

In terms of goals, there are a few tweaks to make me better across all of the sports:

1. Bike to work in the summer once a week - its easy, saves time, and I get more precious bike miles in

2. Joined swim-smooth, going to leverage that to focus on a more efficient technique to get to 1:30 split on my 1000 yard swim

3. Change shoes on time to avoid foot injuries like 2018

4. Improve daily nutrition to increase good foods and reduce bad sugars/fats

5. Increase running and cycling cadence

Pretty straight forward, but hopefully with these few tweaks we’ll make 2019 even better than what we did this year.