
Final race of the year, family went down to beautiful San Diego CA to do another Trail Ragnar. Having done Tahoe, I thought I was a pro and how hard could it be. Turns out this race was way colder and even steeper!

First run was the brutal 8 mile course up and over the pass, but the view midway through out to the ocean from the hills made it all worth it. And the KT tape on my healing feet from bad work shoes made it bearable. After cresting the peak, it was a smooth 3 miles down hill with a few areas so steep I had to walk.

The next leg was at 2am after a few snafus on the team (one had to do the entire long loop without a headlight). Running at night is never fast, but it was still beautiful in the crisp freezing weather.

Did I say freezing? Yes - it was sub 32° all night long. Our tent cots also kept us off the ground causing a terrible drafty look. Many defaulted into their cars, but I toughed it out to make it to the morning run. The last three were basically a brutal jog up a hill and a fast sub-7 sprint into the finish.

So yes - Los Coyotes kicked my butt, but you couldn’t beat the desert views and the camaraderie of another fun Ragnar adventure.

Loop 6- Red



Loop 14- Yellow



Loop 22- Green

