

After a few short weeks from June Lake, it was time to go trail racing! Tahoe ragnar is an awesome race at 7500’ climbing over 2500’ on 16-ish miles of beautiful trails. I ran with a rag-tag team from Apple and we ended up coming in 18th overall out of 300-ish teams. Not bad for engineers.

My first run was the yellow run. I decided to run the whole thing which was probably a dumb idea because there were some really steep parts. Elevation was killer and I was happy to get a sub-10 pace in. The dust and heat was also constricting, but thats what you train for.

The green run was at 2am and wasn’t nearly as fast as I’d hope. I was gunning for 7:30, but came in averaging 8s. Later that week I ran 5 miles at 6:30 so clearly it wasn’t me being out of shape, it is just that dang hard.

Finally, the red run I gave in and walked what I needed to. Only about a 10k, it still took me just a little over an hour to complete, but the views were spectacular and I passed a ton of people.

This was a great intro to trail racing and can’t wait to get out later this year to the socal race which despite being 2500’ lower still looks like it has some deadly climbs.